In our day and age, cheating has become rampant. You may be in a loving relationship but your significant other could let you down at any moment. This has happened to numerous people.
Cheating Caused A Plane To Land!
Imagine you were on a flight to a dream destination when you found out your partner was cheating on you. It sounds like a nightmare but has happened to numerous people. In fact, there’s a well-documented case of it that made the news. The story is quite juicy.
What Happened?
An Iranian woman and her husband were on their way to the island of Bali. Everything was set for a dream vacation when the woman decided to go through her husband’s phone. She had been suspicious of him for a long time.
She wanted to clear her doubts, so she unlocked his phone. He was asleep so he didn’t know what she was up to.
Going through it, she quickly became horrified as she found out her husband was having an affair. Unfortunately, she made a fuss and created havoc on the plane. Her husband had no escape and had to face her wrath.
What’s worse, she was heavily intoxicated at the time and caused a huge disturbance.
The crew tried to settle her down but she was out for blood. That’s why they had to stop at Chennai and ask the fighting couple to get off.
The Times Of India reported on them immediately because the woman’s anger caused a plane to land: isn’t that crazy?
How Do You Know If Your Partner Is Cheating?
You might be like the woman mentioned, wanting to figure out if your partner is being unfaithful. Thankfully, there are many ways to figure out if your loved one is cheating on you.
- Go through his phone. You could take the leap and be bold like Qatar airway’s scorned wife, going through your husband’s phone. However, this is incredibly bold as you’re breaking your partner’s trust. What’s more, you may not gain access to the phone if you don’t know his passcode and can’t unlock it.
- If you assess how close the two of you are, you can make note of whether he’s cheating on you or not. If there’s a change in closeness out of the blue, something’s up. Possibly, someone else. However, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions as he may just be not feeling himself, so you’ll have to see whether his distance continues.
- What about his schedule? Along with an emotional distance, you may notice that the two of you don’t spend much time together. If his schedule his hectic, he could be busy with work. Or he could be spending time with his mistress! You should monitor his schedule and ask him why he’s so busy and where exactly he goes. If his excuses are suspicious, you will know something is up.
- Does he go away a lot? If he’s out of town quite often, he may be with his mistress. This is an excuse philanderers use quite often. If you want, you should press him for questions about his trip and the other people that are going. This will put him in a tight spot and he might break, giving away some clue.
- Most of the time, your partner could be cheating on you with someone you know. Unfortunately, it could be a friend of yours. That’s why if you see that they’re close when you two are hanging out with others, you know something’s not right. If this behavior continues, he’s probably cheating on you.
- Is he encouraging you to cheat? If he’s hinting that you should spend time with others, especially men, he wants you to cheat. In a cheater’s mind, if you cheat it’s alright for them to do so as well so that they’ll feel less guilty. What’s more, he may bring up an open relationship several times. If he does, you know what’s on his mind.
- Is he guilty? As mentioned, he’d feel very guilty about his actions. He’d want you to cheat as well to make himself feel better but this may not work. His guilty conscience will get to him and you’ll see him make slips. He may be nervous around you or constantly agitated, or will treat you often. As you can imagine, this is because of the guilt he’s feeling.
Should You Call Him Out?
The Iranian woman was bold and called her husband out. You should as well. There’s no point hiding the information as this will cause things to get worse for the both of you. So from the moment you feel suspicious, bring your feelings to light.
Hopefully, he’ll confess and you two can patch things up.